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Cold Storage

Cold storage is the one widely practiced method for bulk handling of the perishables between production and marketing processing. It is one of the methods of preserving perishable commodities in fresh and wholesome state for a longer period by controlling temperature and humidity within the storage system. Maintaining adequately low temperature is critical, as otherwise it will cause chilling injury to the produce. Also, relative humidity of the storeroom should be kept as high as 85-90 per cent for most of the perishables, below which has detrimental effect on keeping the quality of the produce.

Most fruits and vegetables have a very limited life after harvest if held at ambient harvesting temperatures. Post-harvest cooling rapidly removes field heat, allowing longer storage periods. Proper post-harvest cooling can :
  • Reduce respiratory activity and degradation by enzymes;
  • Reduce internal water loss and wilting;
  • Chillers-Freezers-and-Cold-Rooms

    The cold storage of perishables has advanced noticeably in recent years, leading to better maintenance of organoleptic qualities, reduced spoilage, and longer shelf lives. These advances have resulted from joint action by physiologists to determine the requirements of fruit and vegetables, and by refrigerating specialists to design and run refrigerating machines accordingly.