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Control Panel

Control panels are usually enclosed printed circuit boards with connections to all peripheral devices in their area. These peripheral devices may include door hardware (such as a card reader, door position switch, or door strike) and other inputs and relays as required. The control panel manages the peripheral devices and communicates between the host computer and the peripheral devices. The control panels have the following functions:

  • Consolidation of all connections to peripheral devices
  • Provision of power, as needed, to peripheral devices
  • Management of peripherals when communications to the host computer are absent or when acting in a distributed manner
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    Although control panels use a standard network connection and are able to communicate with the host computer or other control panels over the network, the signal methods of a control panel may be proprietary.

    The control panel communicates its status and recent access transactions to the host computer. The host computer or access server initially configures the control panel, may continuously synchronize the card holder database, and performs monitoring, management and administrative functions.